Sir Laurence GARDNER lectures that gold, frankincense and myrrh are the sure-proof that Jesus was of the Messianic bloodline.
Sixteen days now without a bite, going on forty and beyond, this is my breakfast plate.
Please be warned this might kill you if you just try it off the photos here. I know that I have been preparing for years. I began the potassium iodide around Fukushima, which still rages and is dumped into the Pacific, just quietly anymore.
This process of the light body (Holy Spirit) quickening takes nine months, just like the physical body's gestation period. It is being born again.
Jesus called it Forty Days in the Wilderness. GARDNER says that he was staying with Essene congregants near the Dead Sea. Elisha called it Feeding from the King's Table. That parable had him being fed by ravens who were stealing the food from the King. It is also known as Nourished from On High.
P.S. Adding platinum... ($500). I missed where he mentions platinum on a balanced diet.
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