It makes sense that a Christian pastor would label monatomic gold as strange fire.
This premise sides with the God (LORD) of the Holy Bible as Creator of the Universe. However, when one considers the shortfalls of His work, that everybody is feeding on everybody else it pays to reconsider His self-declaration that He is the God above all other gods.
In other words, YHVH, by separating from the Collective just before Genesis verse 1:1 severed the ties to higher energy at sephirot 10. This is why the Jewish Tree of Life has only 10 Sephirot. Not 13 as the natural math would prescribe (Fibonacci).
Both in microcosm and macrocosm
the hidden manna plugs
the messianic light body
into "D-13". Study Minute 18.
Source Energy.
This means that I have chosen a different path than Dr Carrie. She believes that the beings who surrounded her for three days are all loving and benevolent. And that emotional intent was certainly there for her to feel, I am sure. But the beings are in my presumption fallen as well as YHVH Himself. This only means that many of them are willing to entertain a physical host for the entertainment value; fallen means self-serving.
Surprisingly this is not judging Him, God. I am having a gas and even undergoing the Conversion from bacterial intestinal flora to Source Energy (Holy Spirit) for life energy. This rather is understanding physics. The base energy of individuation from the Collective enabled this universe to exist at all, from the first hydrogen atom to the Astroid Belt - dust from an ancient supernova. I accept with love that this entire universe is a symptom of YHVH's megalomania.
And this conversion to Source Light is what is objectionable to YHVH, is that He has all along desired that the monatomic alchemy be kept from the Adamic races as a servant class. Just read the Bible Story. I suggest you read the chapter from Sir Laurence GARDNER, the Royal Archiver for thirty-two royal families.
Then you will understand that Pastor CASPER is right on, from the perspective of a Christian pastor and siding with YHVH. Pastor CASPER declares monatomic gold as strange fire.
It served David well, as you recall. When young David fled from Saul he went straight for the Shewbread of the Presence. The cakes were not bread; they were frankincense, myrrh and (monatomic) gold.
Moses took the Golden Calf stock up the mountain and had Yithro, Lord of the Mountain the High Vulcan reduce it to fine white powder. Then he dissolved it in water and made the Israelites drink it. By pineal activation he produced an army of supersoldiers for mopping up the Hiburu (Hebrew) problem in Canaan.
Something interesting you will find in the Bible is that Moses encountered the Amalakites headed west as he was leading eastward. Moses did not have the monatomic gold edge on them so he passed them without confrontation.
The Amalakites destroyed Hathor Temple and went into weakened Egypt (plagues) and completely destroyed the monatomic gold tech.
See Page 244 of 525 labeled Page 99 in the book, Researches in Sinai by Sir Flinders PETRIE. Then notice the large sulfur burns near the Hathor Temple - Sarabit - linked above.
But the tech survived with Moses and was taken into the Temple in Jerusalem. It was replicated up north on Mount Hermon and declared strange fire as well, keeping YHVH's monopoly on the tech in Jerusalem. Take a look for both "Al Sarabit" and "Mount Hermon" on Google Earth.
To take sides with the God of the Holy Bible is to declare that human spiritual ascension through this technology is bad, even though it is the tech of the Temple Mount.
But there are of course many Gods of the Holy Bible. With one being the megalomaniac - YHVH. We find ELOHIM, this is the collective in most cases. Then we also find Adonai, in most cases the God who brings peace and love, rather than YHVH, the Storm God.
The Anunnaki were considered gods and the drama in the Garden was between representative rulers, half brothers Enki and Enlil. Enlil was opposed to the ruling class ascending and Enki and the other "gods" were for allowing them into the enlightenment.
Another interesting tidbit is the Ark is a capacitive EPHOD for producing monatomic gold. Solomon's oldest son, of Queen Sheba was mulatto and rejected when he came to Jerusalem by the racist priests. They sent him away but Solomon knew to order they had to send their first sons away too, the high priests. The sons took the Ark into Egypt. Look for the pillars Boaz and Yachim.
So don't get me wrong; when He said, "It is good." I agree. The CHRISTOS, or Messianic Mission is to get through this hurdle. Jesus spent 40 Days on a fast in the "wilderness" as his being born again into the Messianic state. It takes nine months for the light body to quicken, just like with the gestation period of the physical body.
This looks interesting...
To an adept, this is clearly central banking using the NAV to develop a floppy Quantum Financial System. Special Drawing Rights, Footnote 2, are fraught with decoherence.
Interestingly, this corresponds with the opening post here about taking YHVH's side - that the servant class ADAMAH is not to partake of the monatomic gold. YHVH lies to Eve at kickoff saying, "You shall surely die." While the Serpent (ELOHIM/Enke) promote that the servant class shall become enlightened. So we bury the gold underground in vaults pretending the shiny metal has value.