When Fauci's FURNACE fails I will activate The Trigger. This movie, I Think We're Alone Now depicts some of my vision.
In my vision it is a world of abundance. With some governmental registration instead of white "X" in front of the cleaned home. Avoid judgment by realizing that the transhuman condition upon us is permanent and a thing of the past. It has already happened. Let the dead bury their dead - The Fauci FURNACE.
Locate "pdb 1a5i" on a search engine to understand only one of the many possibilities for every transhuman on earth to suddenly drop dead.
Understand that my antennae array is by far overpowering LEGION with its 2.5 mm graphene nanotubes on the nervous system axons.
There is no escaping The Trigger if you are infected by LEGION.
PubMed Abstract:
The saliva of the blood-eating vampire bat Desmodus rotundus contains plasminogen activators (PAs) that maintain the fluidity of the prey's blood by activating plasminogen and dissolving developing fibrin clots.
Combine that with the graphene razors pumping in the heart and you have a bleed out.
So when the Fauci FURNACE fails I find a home while mopping up with a red LOTUS. I bag the family and pull them to the curb for pickup (burn them at the power plant). I register the house, and the red LOTUS by phone and drive the sports car home, or even stay there, my new home. If I feel like travelling I call for a nearby motor home and drop the LOTUS there, or tow it behind the motor home.
I would have been baffled why China sold me a hair dryer for $36 advertising it as a miracle Terahertz cure tuned to DNA. But it is right there in between lectures from David HUDSON and Sir Laurence GARDNER.
If you are short of time, start at the 1:04 minute mark.
The trick is to watch these videos so many times through, that you can find the different features easily.
This explains why the prototypes only six or seven years ago were valued at $6M/each. That is not typical glass - it is a form of gold. It is melted manna, like found in the Bible.