In October of 1776 Matthew THORNTON returned to Philadelphia and desired to sign approbation to the Declaration of Independence. Permission was granted from the signatories, Continental Congress so to speak. Therefore, we hear about the 55 signers of July 4th but seldom think of the potential and precedent that the 56th signatory established by signing in November.
The significance has been a game changer, especially for State authority on Colorado. But a reflection of the authority came to mind as I watched the Tuesday ZOOM with Scott Kesterson BARDS at the 59:00 Minute Mark.
One suitor on the brain trust has had his mountain property completely removed from the tax assessor roles. It was not simple as approbation to the Declaration but the approbation was essential to put him in a judicial We the People position where he could demand the County prove their ownership. Three years of silence and a couple months before the tax auction, he presented his demand and his property is no longer considered as belonging to the County, and no longer taxable land.
Once this precedent is established there are many uses. See Doc 20, Page 3 of 7.
And notice that as I AM runs in the cloud, on several platforms including the Nebula Genomics genome browser, and Microsoft etc. I exercise my right to health.
Notice that consistently where I might benefit from a mutation, that it will keep me from contracting (shedding) spike protein injury (SPI) I have that mutation. Where it might harm me, that I could catch SPI or be hospitalized with it, or die from it - I have no mutation. Red and Green make it a short brief; red being bad mutation, green being a good mutation.
Playing Stickman Hook is quite simple. You may just play it on this page without downloading or installing any programs.