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The purpose of these forums are to connect like-minded individuals so that we can all help one another during these times. Subscribers that don't support this purpose, will be removed.
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The purpose of these forums are to connect like-minded individuals so that we can all help one another during these times. Subscribers that don't support this purpose, will be removed.
DrCarrieMadej, when you co-work with OnemillionofUs we can design an USA Health insurance to Dutch example.
Can you work together with @onemillionofus on Twitter>
@janefonda and other famous people do.
Young people clean op Mangement Earth.
I am not on @rechtenpit = I must PASS all crime in NL and clean up on a new path.
I can't commincate on ZOOM with you; I lose my security.
Have got criminals on my creditcard at the moment.
I work in the eye of the public.