Brothers, sisters, know nothing works unless you walk the Way of YAHashua (Jesus) TheChrist. The fight is His, we are to stand strong in Him, obey Him, say "no" to all that is not accordance to His Instructions/Law (contained in His Word - Holy Bible, know bar of obeying His Law is risen in New Testament after His resurrection and given us Holy Spirit, for it is not longer tooth for tooth but we are to forgive (forgiveness does not always mean "being together again" , often we are to separate from certain individuals, it is no longer only physical fornication but looking with lust upon women, so more responsibility on us women in front of YAHashua TheChrist how we dress, behave. with love to each one of you, Shabbath Shalom from land that put many under heavy burden of pagan sunday law. Many don't read Holy Bible, listen to false teachers have no idea that sunday is not the 7th Holy day. Get out of egypt/mizraim/spiritual, physical tyranny and shed off egipt from yourself, run to YHVH Elohim (in english translated as God from original, why I don't know, it should remain as it is written) and love Him with all your heart, mind and soul. Call upon YHVH Elohim out loud anytime especially when in need, beg for His Army of Holy Angels. Do not worship (worship also means obey) beast. Be obedient to the Law/Instructions of YHVH Elohim not to beast. There are 2 types of fear: fear/reverence to YHVH Elohim that lead to life and fear of beast that lead to destruction. You either fear one or the other. The more you reverence YHVH Elohim the more you are free from fear of beast, of the wicked word, mizraim/egipit/death/wickedness.
Search Holy Bible for confirmation.
your sister, that prays she is humble servant of YHVH Elohim and have chance to serve Him forever.
also here are other interesting interviews with lawyer Todd C.