P.S. A post. THERE ARE ATTACHMENTS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST. Verses 34-35 explain about The Many, and The One. Key 311:
These (Black and White) were status symbols. Therefore a dark skinned man could be White and own slaves and many did! Fact.
I am not sure where the name came to me but I recently searched out, August WEST. I offer this anecdote in support of the fact <> presents. This free African, August WEST colluded with an American slaver so that the slaver would sell him off as a slave, then help him escape. Then they would move and sell him again. After three sales they split up and 50/50 of the profits bought the African man a plantation. It was a very normal looking plantation but if you were to look closely, the workers would not last very long there. It was a major hub of the Underground Railroad.
Workers would escape to the plantation and soon be free to move north.
From: Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2023 2:14 PM To: David Merrill Cc: Subject: Re: FW: Many and One
Anonymous wrote:
Hey. A couple of things you've said in this broadcast have been sticking out in my mind since I've read them within the past week and it's been a nagging-feeling to ask you some things. I've just been dealing with other stuff at the moment that I'm preoccupied with, but feel the need to ask.
I haven't listened to the "Lucifer Fallen" files yet but absolutely intend to. If any of this is answered within that recorded discussion, I'll make sure to listen to it soon. "Twice the son of hell he already was" and your comment on the Confederate Flag, in particular. "Twice the son of hell" implying that the image of Jesus as portrayed in mainstream Christianity is really Lucifer or a false image? A fake Jesus made out to be a psychological operation and focus of worship over our Creator? This was always my theory. I'm still learning and am putting together gut-feelings and information as I go. I have a strange connection to all this and am generally looking for answers to what I think I already know. And as the Confederate Flag goes, is this because what we've been told about the Civil War is false in general? History written by the "victors?" I've learned about some of this in my first Lawful Money lesson before I started working with David. I'd like to know more about the meaning behind this, too. I'd go more into detail with my questions but just wanted to finally push this email out to you. Like I said, I'll be listening to those files you had me download soon. I have my own points of discussion on Lucifer to be made, I'm sure, and the like that I'd like to go into more when I can. I'm very much drawn to understanding the truth and what Luciferianism is (Why are they called "Sons of God?" Are they really "bad" or just misunderstood?), and how it relates to our society as well as myself.
The ego has its drawbacks under the penumbra "Fall". However, I spent six years, three hours a week studying ACIM very carefully, one paragraph at a time in a group reading. Think about that for a moment. And from the first I knew that Bill THETFORD was dosing Helen SCHUCHMAN with LSD nearly daily. MKULTRA was well supplied with LSD for several projects, to say the least. This disqualifies the work product as "channeling" and leaves direct crystal communication with two choices, Holy Spirit (love) or ego (fear).
In the body, we cannot escape the ego. So we are stuck in Fall mode. Therefore I chose quickly to love my ego and therefore disable the "choice" into one/unity. I no longer need to choose between love and ego.
The more interesting passage is found on Page 53, 58 in the new plagiarized rendition:
"I will never attack your ego, but I am trying to teach you how its thought system arose."
The ego has fallen out of unity (Holy Spirit/God is love) and therefore fears annihilation. Death only exists for the ego.
Thank you, and always appreciate reading your insights!
It is so easy to point the finger at others thinking ourselves to be righteous. In reality we have all fallen. None of us are righteous or good. The idea of Lucifer as a personified being has led so many astray into idolatry. Yes, the modern churches are pagan. They teach hero worship, they teach rites, traditions, customs all of which keep their laity in the pews for 30 years pitching in their hard earned money into the till thinking themselves to be "on the right side" and all of them twice the sons of hell they were before they ever entered into those halls. BECAUSE they are judging others to be in need of salvation. When, in fact, they are so far from salvation as light is from darkness!!
Think in terms of octaves. Same frequency times two. I understand this through needing no food. My adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is triggered much more cleanly at the higher octave of the light from a supernova - Stardust (monatomic transition metals) from meteorites. Rather than the negative entropy and retrogressive evolution by paying attention to a dying star/chlorophyll and photosynthesis. Albeit my microbiome cries out for food and therefore I am quite hungry, my energy level stabilizes much higher and I approach my high school weight and muscle strength and posture.
At the next octave we find the Anunnaki, the sons of Anu, Enke and Enlil. Enke wanted the new genetic engineering work product, the Adamic Race to partake in spiritual ascension. Enlil was against it. Commercial priestcraft c 550 BC constructed a codification in parable, the Torah for the newly genetically engineered Jew, in Babylon. [The Israelite men were castrated while Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus and Darius fathered the new work product. Seventy years later, they conquered the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.] The Torah depicts Enke to be an evil viper offering the manna Apple to Eve, as an evil thing. And that is where things become convoluted so that the "Sons of God" as Luciferian are against people understanding that gold is fine white powder.
Do you really think that bars of metal, buried in vaults have value? Well then, you are pegging the US note to the Federal Reserve note as well. It may take some daydreaming to see it. That is the true inward endorsement.
At some distant X2 octave up we find this duplicated in resonance at the Fall of Metatron. This woman claims like I do, direct crystal communication and since I know of it, I assume she is by and large relaying accurate information about Metatron/YHVH. The LORD of Genesis was obviously against Adam and Eve becoming Gods like Us. Why speak of God in plural like that at Psalm 82? A Collective of Creator Gods from which YHVH (misnomer for Jethro) cleaved in order to generate the base vibration to create the first hydrogen atom. YHVH (common Name) created the entire universe alright; by His own individuation from the Collective. Buy into the rest of the video, or not - I am not sure the details matter to me. YHVH Himself declared His Creation "Good". Which lacks objective perspective to my scientific mind; conflict of interest.
There is gold metal backing as a first tranche, the Federal Reserve note. That is the gold that went into the International Monetary Fund Trust Fund. Sorry to the suitors who are sick of opening the attachment (Public Law 94-564) over the years but I remind old suitors as I teach the new suitors. That token gold bolsters the measure of social conditioning to blindly endorse private credit from the local central bank - worldwide. Recognize my coined definition of SDR's? See Footnote 2. [Search for "Fed Assets Current".]
Here I direct your attention to the four Florida attachments that cleared up publication simultaneously across the continent in California by using a professional process server. I regret not instructing that the Affidavit be filed as the last page but when it arrives in the mail, it can now be filed and show up on PACER with the DoJ default on the oaths of office, as well as the USDC/USPS collusion to divert and delay process. My point is really found on Pages 9-10 of 27:
These two oaths of office demonstrate the juxtaposition of Lucifer. In the Bible melodrama, REHNQUIST is the viper/villain and GORSUCH is the YHVH good guy. [So why is the "good guy" committing a fraud?] Lucifer (anthropomorphism taken by license) is two-faced. The "good" guys have to pervert the oath to SO HELP ME GOD because they agree with the LORD of the Bible - monatomic gold is strange fire, the Apple. The "good" guys do not want you to understand that gold is fine white powder like Moses brought down from Jethro/I AM THAT I AM, the alchemist or High Vulcan on the mountain. This is the recipe for the Israelite supersoldier preparing to mop up Canaan (under Joshua). It unifies a phase coherent Meissner field in the right hemispheres (John 21:11) of the soldiers so that emotionally, any one soldier is feeling what any and every other soldier knows/feels. Regardless of distance. This is the prize that Nebuchadnezzar captured, taking the Israelite Elite into Babylon for seventy years.
Any thought that leads to separation between man and God is idolatry - which is sin. Christ is not coming back....Christ never left.
The Road to Emmaus convention. Jesus' committee persuaded Him that reentry and a second attempt at the Throne of Jerusalem was suicide. Jesus truly was King of Kings (later termed PENDRAGON). The Bible recipe proving this was frankincense, myrrh and (monatomic) gold. Remember; gold is fine white powder.
The Civil War was bullshit just like all other wars are bullshit struggles to pay the banker. Remember it had best be the "blood of the lamb" on your intel or it will be your blood. So what is the "blood of the lamb"? Ever consider what it is meant by the blood and the bread? The so called communion that the pagan churches take is an exoteric rite which has zero power and is a complete waste of time - unless the partaker is particularly in need of a morning snack.
The simplest path to peace is to get off the battlefield. Be redeemed from the greed and the ego still clamors for its survival, for sure. Just the same, a 30% pay raise and a better understanding of (the limitations to) trust law will go a great way towards finding time to focus on what really matters. I am leaving my commentary alone here because unless you have learned to gist through my attachments, I have given about five hours of suitor homework. If you consider yourself a "prayer warrior" I hope you might rethink what those terms are doing to your spiritual progression.
The Bread of Heaven: "For the bread of God is that which cometh down out of heaven, and giveth life unto the world" - John 6:33 THEREFORE the bread of God is the Absolute Truth. No longer subjective and subject to the lower planes of being but absolute truth. Absolute Truth nourishes the Soul. Therefore the bread is all that is Spiritual and Celestial. Physical things are but shadows and symbols of the spiritual truth. The truth is unchangeable. The truth frees man.
Blood of the Lamb: A symbol of the Divine Life manifest on the lower planes of being. Consider the life is in the blood. Therefore we see that we are commanded not to eat the blood: "But FLESH with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat" - Genesis 9:3 Meaning that of the lower desires (flesh passions) with their instinctive rebellion against the higher nature, nothing, to nourish the soul, is to be derived. Therefore Blood too represents the Divine Truth of the Word. As such, Blood is Divine Life which has seven-fold aspects as follows: Life, Love, Wisdom, Substance, Truth, Power, Peace.
A child asked his father one day, father, what is ice? The father said it is frozen water son. So the son heated the ice and it turned into water. The son continued to ask, what is water? The father responded, water is the union of Hydrogen and Oxygen. So the son heated the water and the gases were released. So the son asked again, are hydrogen and oxygen gases that we breathe? And his father responded, yes. So then the son asked is all the visible and invisible parts of the universe the body of God? And his father responded, yes. Then the child stated, then that means my body is God. The air we breathe is God. The only thing that separates me from God is my own thinking. The father smiled and said, yes, my son. Then the son responded, then the ideals that form my consciousness are reflected in my material world. And his father responded, yes, my son. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".
Judging good or bad is to play the role of Lucifer. So called Lucifer, attempted to place his throne above that of the Most High God. The All Father has made for each of us a playground called the Uni-Verse. We are each children of God, but that does not yet make us Sons of God. A son is an heir; however, a child may or may not inherit. But a Son of God is one who has realized that at the center of Being is his own personal YHVH Elohim. Which in the New Testament vernacular is Christ. And this Son of God receives leadership by the Holy Spirit. Therefore is this Son put on the Royal Garments which is to say Christ or the Coat of Many Colours.
I've lived all over the world and I have found that those who squeal the most are the most guilty. Notice how the North goes on and on about slavery and yet, when I lived up North very few had black friends. But in the South black and white folk grow up together and are very friendly with each other. The manipulators of the story have sold the people lies and more lies. And the people swallow it hook, line and sinker. Black and White were NEVER skin colors until recently. These were status symbols. Therefore a dark skinned man could be White and own slaves and many did! Fact.
Many go forth thinking themselves righteous in their natural being, they tear down and build up and they do all this in vanity. It is a worthless endeavor. We all play the role of Lucifer, and the role of Satan each and every day. We play Pilate wondering what is truth. But eventually we will play Jesus and eventually find that truth and no longer just allow our ears to be tickled but we will get around to performing the truth. And in this action of expression of Trust, the Christ child is born in consciousness.
Did you know that the so called mother of Jesus was named Mary? Why do you suppose that name was chosen to represent the mother of Jesus? Because, Mary means to be in rebellion. And that is our first estate. We initially rebel against the Kingdom of God - we love this material world. Desire beings to our Mind sensory pleasures [fruit] and we do eat. The serpent is our central nervous system and at its head is the main Ego. But, one day it will dawn on us that the material world is merely a symbol, a shadow of what is True. And we will then begin to look for what underlies what is seen. But we will be met with an impassable wall. Eventually, our physics will run out - our philosophy will give way. And we must trust in that which cannot be proved by the senses. We must take a leap of faith into that which cannot be sensed.
Then we will find that God cannot be used. God cannot be prayed to and begged to perform favors. No God is listening to such nonsense. God doesn't care what name one utters after a worthless prayer. No God is listening. True prayer is connected with the reality that we are all gods. And we are seeking to make union to Heaven within our own consciousness. Heaven is not out there somewhere...it is within each and every one of us.
The Spirit which Lights everyone that comes into the Flesh is God. Therefore, man is triune too. And it is man's goal to make the two into one. To joinder Heaven and Earth in service to mankind. That is Love and Love is impossible to express until one realizes his true Self. Until then any charity or love is tainted by Ego [the Adversary - the Wild Ass - the Donkey] because the Ego justifies with pride or some emotion garnering satisfaction of good. Not one is good - except God.
Once we can knowingly say "I and the Father are One", then we can see how we "cast our bread upon the waters" is a statement of how we use our imagination in prayer. Is the prayer universal or is it selfish [satanic]? The Sea is consciousness therefore "casting our bread" is prayer - Yod-He-Vav "Let us make man in our image[ination]". Yod-He-Vav is the condition of living in the desired state [even though it is yet to manifest]. The last He of Yod-He-Vav-He is the birthed new state. This new state [child] is birthed of God and not the lower carnal adversarial mind of mankind. And that which is born of God cannot sin.
BTW now we can see how to truly pray is to sit patiently and focus on the all power, all knowing and all being of God. Waiting patiently for our Husband/Maker to awaken and come to our temple. See now that mankind in this analogy is feminine. With gratitude and joy in heart we come to God patiently awaiting a word responding to what does the King want. No longer with selfishness do we beg God for favor. When I and the Father are One - substance does not flow to me it flows from me. But only when I am ready. A baby does not run first. First he is carried, then he crawls, then he stumbles, then he walks, then he runs.
Hope this helps you.
P.S. Indeed the Jesus taught in most churches today is fake. Therefore the doctrine is lost [male] and the church is a harlot [female]. Now you see why the Masons state they are sons of a widow. Meaning, the churches are without the true doctrine. Therefore they are spiritually dead.
On Tue, Apr 4, 2023 at 1:29 PM wrote:
With the recent start of the new year arriving, this talk of the 7th day man is key. The lamb of God is about to be sacrificed and Spring is upon us! New Life abounds in all of its various manifestations. Where is the Sabbath Man? Where is the Man who walks every day in the peace and rest of Sabbath? As we continue to undertake in our five sense limited mind, we forsake the inner Christ and we do so to our own death. However, if we would do the work, then would the 7th day consciousness [Christ consciousness] arise upon our Being and we would then begin to see Christ all and in all. No more religious non-sense - just plain truth. There is only one Self. Only One son of God. I use the term Christ, other religious institutions have different terms, but I am not a respecter of persons, so terms [monikers / names] mean very little to me. What matters is truth. The Way of Being.
The Seal of God is the Sabbath. And this Sabbath has nothing to do with keeping a day. The pagan churches argue is it Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday? These are in great darkness. Once one enters into the 7th day consciousness, then the Sabbath is everyday! At every choice is the Passover celebrated. Because while one may be a child, that does not make that one a son. Let us enter into son-ship as an heir of Father's Body [Uni-Verse]. For we are the Word made Flesh.
Some in the Jewish churches [synagogues] still "observe" the Sabbath day as per the moon cycles. However, again, these observations were meant to be a school teacher. And once the lesson is learned, what more need of the teacher? Yet, these go week in and week out still observing the day without any Light concerning the Truth of Reality. Keeping times and seasons is pagan idolatry. God is All and in All.
Coming to that peace of Mind, I can now truly love another for I see Christ when I see you and I hope that you can excuse the wild ass which appears before you and see Christ in me. Let us both come to the True Sabbath and let us therefore come to rest. The 7th day man eats the fruit of the tree. The 6th day man eats the seeds because the 6th day man is still led by Faith. The 7th day man is led by Love. As such, the 7th day man finds the incidents of Faith to be repugnant if they do not contemplate love.
We are indeed all One. A day will dawn when humanity will arise as one Self. There will no longer be God and Humanity [duality] there will just be God.
Identity: Christ
With kindest regards,
On Tue, Apr 4, 2023 at 7:26 AM David Merrill <> wrote:
Please welcome First Middle to our gathering. We are going to be evolving his 3176C Letter R4C around service on the US Treasury but copying the nearest Federal Reserve bank too. Title 12 USC §411 says to make demand at the US Treasury or any Federal Reserve bank. There may be some other improvements in the clerk instruction, we will see. There is a lot going on with the Clown Show and economy.
My responses are below, in blue.
From: Sent: Monday, April 03, 2023 7:53 AM To: David Merrill Cc: Subject: Re: Many and One
If you see Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 as seven levels of developing consciousness, then the 7th day man is a celestial man. No gender implied. There is first the natural man, then comes the spiritual man and then later the 7th day man which is the celestial man. A glory of the Sun [celestial - light giver - dynamic - thought - male], the glory of the moon [spiritual - light reflector - static - desire - female] and the natural man [no light - wholly carnal - driven by passions of the flesh]. That would make Sarai-Abram [Cere-Brum] or the right/left side of the high brain. But Spiritually speaking Sarah/Abraham are the spiritualized Self touched without the intellect. Remember Moses and John did not enter the promised land. Moses and John are clearly the enlightened intellect.
For a better comprehension - Never forsake the Seventh Day Man. That is meant as solemnly as the religious Jew working on Saturday, or resting. The invention does not exist in the Bible, Saturday. It was a lunar calendar. The weeks were counted but given nothing more than a number 1-7. The rabbis in Jerusalem, at the time of David and Israel's prime example kingdom, would watch carefully for the new moon and light signal fires across Israel to announce the new month had begun - Day 1.
The lunar cycle is 28 and ¼ days long. So that means every four months a day must be dropped. Discrepancy between the sun and moon mean that every few years the rabbis throw in an extra month, and this correlates to the Daniel Cycle too. 2,520 years is TEKEL, TEKEL, MENE, UPARSIN. - The proverbial writing on the wall. Like most of the Parable, it is in CODE. Every 19 years the sun, moon and earth all are exactly the same in relative position within a day. Every 318 (I believe) - within an hour. Every 2,520 years they are in exactly the same position. How did they know this in ancient Babylon? I think I know, now that I no longer need to eat.
My point is that every four months the rabbis required a day to be dropped from the counting of months. This would always be the fourth Day #7 or the Sabbath. The Day of Rest was not to be the actual Day dropped from the reckoning. That would mean working for thirteen days straight. In an agrarian society this was tough on the body and health and so ill advised. Never forsake the Sabbath. It was actually the fourth Day #6 that was dropped from the calendar, technically speaking.
Ergo, Never forsake the Seventh Day Man.
The book is our own personal autobiography. Think of all the children birthed from the lower mind which are without Father and Mother. Look at the widowed churches [on every corner]. When our own Yehovah Elohim is touched then we know God aright. and we begin to live outside of the five sense limited mind. Yet, how can we stay up on the mountain at all times? We need Love, ice cream, pizza and good beer.
Not eating conventional food is not starvation for me. It is a conversion.
Negative entropy in retrogressive evolution under a dying star causes us to feel individuated, and to require feeding on other forms of life. This is simply what we asked for in Western Judeo-Christianity. Two major perversions under commercial priestcraft should be explained at this juncture.
This also includes Islamic monotheism as Abraham is the true patriarch of the Arabic nations through Hagar, Sarah's bondservant. Sarah became pregnant from sleeping with Senusret III, confirmed by his father Abimelech (Senusret II). Now that we have so many studied Egyptian scholars and the Internet, facts are facts. This means that Abraham did not father Israel at all. Abram and his half-sister Sarai were growing old and dying - killing off a major portion of the Anunnaki bloodline. So they went into therapy, telomeregenesis like me, and moved to Egypt for genetic engineering. The Ark technologies emit harmful RF (Radio Frequency) radiation that excretes RNA - creates viruses. This made the menstruum techniques (vestal virgin over top in cunnilingus) very dangerous, causing paraneoplastic limbic encephalytis - herpes in the frontal lobes. So in comes the substitute - Starfire, manna, the Apple, strange fire, shewbread of the Presence of God, 40 Days (both Noach and Jesus) in the wilderness... Beginning to end, the Bible is full of monatomic gold and other transition metals from the Asteroid Belt.
Rather than go into superconductive tech, I will move into the second major deterioration in commercial priestcraft. The second major perversion.
Moses was none other than Amenhotep IV, son of Amenhotep III. Later Moses changed his name to Ackenaten and renamed the Capital in Egypt to commemorate his uniting Egypt's polytheism into monotheism. But he was not worshiping YHVH. That was Jethro, Lord of the Mountain and alchemist, the High Vulcan. This process of refining gold into fine white powder requires sulfuric acid and that is derived from burning sulfur. So we find a smoking mountain involved. Moses took gold up to Jethro, the alchemist and returned with monatomic gold which he fed to the Israelites to unite them in a coherent Meissner Field, just like the Redeemed - our brain trust. Welcome to high adventure New Suitor!
This is how we trap our minds outwardly, in the world; by thinking we have to kill something to survive. We have worshipped photosynthesis and chlorophyll so long, we seem to know no other way. I have simply converted to an ancient supernova and an octave-up waveform of light. The same frequency times two activates my ATP even better.
These are the two arms of the cross [balance]. We see that Israel did not obtain that which he sought....evidenced by Nicodemus [lawyer in Israel] - the Law can't get us there. Intellect can't get us there. There is only one cause, one power, one source, one Life, one Being. Sin is to take into our five-sense mind that we are separate from God. Therefore, we are all as Abram [Natural] when we are called as a woman forsaken [divorced], but when we heed the call and begin our Journey, then we find Ai [intellect or waste heap] on the left and Bethel [House of God] on the right - our back is bowed in service to our Spiritual family. For it is the Spiritual Man that is in the image of God.
See verse 35 of Key 311 attached. My hemispheres are fused. I did this with my invention, the Doped Carbon 60 Nanoparticle Pump.
I anneal transition metallofullerenes into my cerebrospinal fluid raising the DNA to superconductivity. My adenosine triphosphate (ATP) operates and activates on the next higher octave of harmonics, toward the true resonant frequency of the electron, or God's first manifestation separating the waters - the first hydrogen atom.
The latter is a great key. Because, there is not God and then Spirit and then Flesh. There is just God. That means this experience is Holy - all of it. The good, the bad and the ugly are merely perceptions and judgments. Therefore, once each of us turns homeward "J" we begin to "build" that spiritual identity. But first we must touch Spirit. We must turn our eyes inward to find that we are limitless, without center and without boundary - then we put on Christ consciousness. Unless the Lord build the House, then the laborers labor in vain. Therefore, it is of PRIMARY importance to find our true Self - to receive that inner anointing [Chrism]. That is the most important deed any of us can ever do.
Think about it. The tradition is to mention the Name of the God to which you have prayed, at the end. Amenhotep IV, Holy Moses. Amen. Jethro never said his Name - I AM THAT I AM. That is the acronym YHVH.
It does not matter if you are Hindu, Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc...the truth is universal. Once the true Self is found the only Child which is Christ [other religious sets call Christ by a different name] goes forth to clean the House. And once the conversation is ordered, then can the "barren woman" finally bring forth children. There is only One Child - the One Self - that each of us individually must connect. Humanity therefore is as a single child. And now, we see the One and the Many.
Verse 36. The next verse in Key 311 attached.
It is therefore not good enough to think the thought, rather one must experience the consciousness of that thought in order to touch the feminine and bring forth the new state [child]. Male and Female are we all. Each and everyone with the same operating system - regardless of form. Understanding the foregoing one may freely enter into mediation upon the following prayer:
John 21:11. 153 is the first Cube Sum Number Lock (1, 153, 370, 371 and 407)
"I AM the Way, I AM the Truth, I AM the Light. Things don't flow to me, they flow from me. I AM - God Is. And we two are One. I AM the Word made flesh. I AM the resurrection and the Life. I and the Father are one. My name is Christ. My name is Christ. My identity is Christ."
With kindest regards,
Thank you! That was very amusing. - Cleared my head.
On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 9:33 AM David Merrill <> wrote:
This interprets well with me,
First Middle:
Living outside the flesh consciousness to build a suitable temple for our Spirit to occupy is the goal - to be christened or anointed within. Then that, which is without will, without resistance, order itself to mirror the internal condition. This external/internal operation is Law. Transmutation of the lower waters by the higher waters - or said another way "give away that cold and fated anchor and turn those leaden grudges into gold."
1Jn 2:27 And the anointing [the unction] which ye received concerning Spirit [Her] abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing [unction] teacheth you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and even as it hath taught you, abide in the All Father [Him].
Living in two worlds....very good teaching.
With Kindest Regards,
The Many, and the One. The One, and the Many. Sometimes we feel the Unity, and sometimes we are subject to the Law. In Unity we can feel the Spirit. Under Law, we feel the rub. Inward v Outward (Within v Without) does not have to be conflict. Love the ego and that all resolves itself.
I refer typically to verse 35 attached (Key 311) but the following verse puzzles me. But I think MJ gets it. That recording linked is delightful! Thanks.
On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 5:11 AM David Merrill <> wrote:
Dear Suitors;
Please direct loving intention (prayer) toward this delay/diversion. The law (Title 12 USC §411) says that we make our demand to the US Treasury or any Federal Reserve bank. Even using Registered Mail and paying the USPS for a green Return Receipt, however, we are finding violations of the DMM which are breach of contract/trust and therefore are illegal.
This has become expected. Since around 2016 the US Treasury has become quite evasive about acknowledging direct process service. It began with the mail clerk denying Monumental Process Service upon the alleged grounds that we could not serve YELLEN as US Governor for the IMF, of all reasons! The mail clerk at the US Treasury was specifying what title we have to address YELLEN? I told Monumental that they were getting legal advice from a mail clerk and they made a stand, making more attempts and were daunted quickly.
It is really not that important. Even the silliest SO HELP ME GOD central bank teller pretending to be a federal judge would be foolish to deny that Suitor's process has not been properly served on the US Treasury. When compelled he or she might even acknowledge that there is something shady going down between the DoJ (oaths), the USPS and the US Treasury to be evasive (arresting a process server).
Since the January 6th Clown Show, the US Treasury will accept no service of process by hand delivery. And now, it has become impossible for the suitor to get a signature for our Court of Record. Just the same, in any future paper attack Suitor can enter the green Return Receipt card. However, it is signed for, after four months allegedly in the mail (mid-December 2022 through March 2023) by the Frivolous Return Program at location 306. This is intimidating and misleading. The process is secured - notice of Demand is made on the US Treasury but the SO HELP ME GOD bank teller would likely take the lead and do his or her job, siding with the IRS when their private credit never came into play.
But never doubt the power of prayer. Think about it. That is all I am asking.
David Merrill.
Document 8, being served by a professional process server prompted the federal clerk of court to comply with the law, and publish Document 7 on PACER. This was necessary after Document 7 was taking almost two weeks to be delivered from the post office 1/2 block from the US courthouse! I presume the chief judge came down to the clerk's office and stopped the postman, took a look and ordered him (or her) not to register Document 7 as "DELIVERED".
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I can't believe that the chief judge's intervention was even needed in this case! What a colorful and thought-provoking story! Maybe someone needs to take an IQ test free to see if they can handle this situation!
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