David SCHMIDT on Tuesday ZOOM inspired me as he speculated our evolution into a healthy species would include a copper coated skin, for a Faraday Cage. So here is how that could work. Keep in mind that cupramine (penicillamine) - copper sulfate - is a very potent and dangerous drug. I bought mine at the pet store.
Similarly to David chelating copper from the mesenchemal (yellow) bone cells in order to stimulate them to produce undifferentiated stem cells, I am using penicillinamine to chelate copper in general and lift it to my skin. That is the theory anyway. I am lacing my skin with copper as a Faraday Cage.
Be warned that I experiment freely on myself and have done some research. I am risking kidney and liver damage to accomplish this.
On that note I have added only 5 drops of the cupramine to about a cup of salve, composed of black seed (cumin) oil and the Baati formula of C60 olive oil. The inventive touch really is that I thicken it to about the consistency of butterscotch pudding with Chinese beeswax.
Why Chinese? Have you heard that you should shop for local honey? This serves up antigens for what is going around locally. Immunization. I bought a boatload of Chinese beeswax so that I am immunized pre-Patient Zero of the next thing that comes out of China, in advance.
P.S. In another conversation:
Thank you brother. You spark much new thought. This wisdom is ageless. Wonderful.
On Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 11:05 AM David Merrill <> wrote:
Thank you for the thought-provoking email.
It causes me to wander down an unexpected path about my photobiomodulation therapy. That We are billions - our microbiome is composed of bacterium. Silver corresponds to the eighth chakra - the skin.
We have different activations of the same skin cells. Differentiations of skin from the finger and toenails into skin to the lips and then inner cheek, esophagus to the stomach. Then the real habitat begins at the intestines. That is where the life is energized in the retrogressive evolution of the negative entropy. Of course this leads us to the anus and differentiates back into what we once thought of as our skin with the buttocks. It is one huge organ composed of different activated genome.
Through understanding the true nature of the transition metals I have become inedic. I no longer need to eat food. This is what YHVH did in Jesus and it takes forty days by tradition - total of nine months - gestation of a New Creature (C60 from New Creation Labs). The entire Bible is about monatomic transition metals and the tech they bring when we understand with coherence, what you are saying below in your email. Mastery.
HE said, I am the God above all other gods. Individuation. This is why everybody is feeding on everybody else - negative entropy. The sun is dying. (Key 315; Verse 30). Everybody who thinks they are individuals thinks they are going to die. When I go over a week without eating I feel very hungry and need to remind myself that feeling hungry is not in any way harmful. Thirsty is another matter because water is a catalyst for energy even under a supernova.
That is my current sustenance - the asteroid belt. Dust from an ancient supernova. That is where all the metal deposits are from. This can all be learned from The Book of Knowledge; Keys to Enoch. But as I read it, I must remember that YHVH/METATRON is the Fall. Metatron fell when He chose to separate from the collective of creator Gods. In doing so, Metatron created the first hydrogen atom and that was the beginning and end of the Universe. In the Beginning.
Somewhere in between, like skin changing from one organ to the next, the ancient supernova left some dust that boils off upon atmospheric entry and falls upon us like rain. Manna from heaven - shewbread of the presence of God - eating from the King's Table (Elijah) - the Apple of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil - Strange Fire, wherever mentioned - Jeroboam opening an illegal manna fabrication facility on Mount Hermon - Golden Calf, wherever mentioned - Jesus weaning from food for forty days in the Wilderness; - the frankincense, myrrh and monatomic gold were inauguration King of Kings - PENDRAGON, wherever mentioned is preparation - John in the wilderness - the curse YHVH put on the Amalakites was because they destroyed Hathor Temple and raided Egypt, destroying the resonance that supported manna technologies.
It is all Monatomic ORMES. David ran straight to the shewbread to equip his small (turncoat) army. Moses (Amenhotep IV) used the Golden Calf to produce the MZKZT, manna, starfire, highward spun exotic matter, monatomic ORBITALLY REARRANGED MONATOMIC ELEMENTS ORMES. What we do not have today is the resonance in love to super-deform the nuclei for stone cutting and antigravity like building the Pyramid.
You may have had some other points there but this is what is going through my mind. I have five drops of cupramine - penicillamine - copper sulfate in a salve of black seed oil, olive oil Carbon 60 and Chinese beeswax (antigens before they arrive Patient Zero). This will extract any extra copper, enhancing my undifferentiated stem cell production while chelating the copper to the already coated outer skin. A Faraday shield for RF protection. I am like an RFID protected wallet.
The LifeWave X39 and X49 patches are designed to chelate the copper from the mesenchymal (yellow bone cells) production that produces all these differentiations of skin cells. Without the copper in the nuclei the stem cell will leave the bone disperse into the blood undifferentiated. Some applying the patches to the knee injury felt that the stem cells were diverted to a stomach injury or illness before they would address the knee injury.